Discussion relating to anything not football related


Postby Garawa » Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:01 pm

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Previous board user ID: gwade_871 (3440 posts)
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Postby lidbid46 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:02 pm

But seriously; why hasn't anyone challenged him on his birthplace like he did Obama? Is he from Oompah Loompa Land, or The United States of Tango? Marsmaybe? I've never seen anyone else who looks like him!
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Postby Garawa » Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:28 pm

Mars definitely. How can anyone say that they would date their own daughter if they weren't related or say to a young girl that if she was older they'd be going out or ridicule somebody with a disability. Here you lose your job no question, in America you become the world's most powerful man. He is vile.
For all manner of stats and facts during games, add me on twitter: @Gills_Stats

Previous board user ID: gwade_871 (3440 posts)
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Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:50 am

Hahaha,get used to him boys, your old biddy Theresa May was over here today sucking his di*k and begging the US to be your friends now you guys have pissed off the rest of Europe ,lol,lol. Trump has done more in a week than old girl May has done in six months. NO, NO, I take that back, first day on the job she made AMERICAN BORN Boris Johnson Foreign Secretary, hahaha, have you seen that scruffy devil, him and Trump could be brothers by different mothers, lol,lol, This is the same guy who insulted countries leaders whenever he could,and just think ,with old Ma May over here he is the most senior official in the country tonight ,lol.
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Postby Garawa » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:21 am

She set Boris up for a major fall! He helped get us into the mess and now has all the rubbish to deal with. He either has to back track on everything he said to be a success or fail miserably and lose his career. It's lose, lose for him either way as the former would mean losing face and confidence in his ability and he would go from PM hopeful to nothing. It was a masterstroke! I'm sure had Farage been a Tory he'd have got the job instead.
For all manner of stats and facts during games, add me on twitter: @Gills_Stats

Previous board user ID: gwade_871 (3440 posts)
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Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:10 pm

Thats what I want from my boss, hiring someone to fail, hahaha. Lets not hire him as the toilet cleaner where failing would make no difference, lets give him a position where failure will make the world laugh it's ass off at the UK,lol,funny old way you guys have of doing things in the UK.
Good job Mr.President His Royal Highness Mr Donald Trump is giving old girl May a few lessons on how to run her country.
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Postby baronnight » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:44 am

Maybe Trump hasn't achieved as much as you thought, a mere woman Ann Donnelly (federal judge) has stopped all his deportation orders. :mrgreen:

Disclaimer:- "a mere woman" is his view not mine.
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Postby gillsfan1066 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:46 am

Rest assured THAT woman will be working in a salt mine this time next week and it servers her right, how dare she try to over rule our Fuhrer. By the way what ever she tried to do has gone out the window.
We all know the Muslims are to blame for everything bad that is happening in this world, I personally sent a twitter to HERR TRUMP this morning informing him that it was Muslims that probably caused that snow storm in Italy that crushed that hotel last week , and it would not surprise me if they were not behind the death of George Michael, got there finger prints all over it the swines.
Who ever is advising Trump is pretty smart, if you like that sort of thing, lol,Trump signs a 90 and 120 day ban on some countrys they take him to court and who ever loses then appeals to a higher court, this could go on until it gets to the Supreme Court which is made up of old, old,old,judges who take six months to decide howmuch toilet paper to use, this could go on for months and months and months.
By the way I thought one of the reasons you guys passed Britex was to stop the immigrants flooding into the UK, I guess the difference is you guys will get round to leaving the EEC sometime in 2053 and then you will be able to stop the Tsunami, Trump did it in one week, hell one week ,two seconds, just one stroke of a pen.
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Postby bunburygills » Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:54 am

Now Trump is having a go at our PM Malcolm Turnbull. He put the phone down on him after 25 minutes into a planned one hour call. He said it was the worst call he'd had that day. It came straight after Turnbull asked him about his policy in Syria. Obviously the question was to hard. Nice to see how many Americans apologized to Australia including John Mckain. In all honesty, how will he last even two years let alone 4 years? With Australia's willingness to follow America into invading numerous countries over the years, people over here are getting pretty worried, especially where China is concerned. By the way Gillsfan, your knowledge of WA was pretty good. However, were you aware that voting is compulsory over here. At least turning up and getting your name ticked off on the electoral role is. After that you can walk out or ruin your vote. If you don't turn up it's a $50 fine.That goes for State and Federal elections as well as any referendums or plebiscites as well. We also don't have a first past the post system. We have to number all the candidates and then it's worked out on preferences. Someone can be elected with only 30% of the vote. No, before you say it Gillsfan, the sheep don't get a vote.
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Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:33 am

Haha, good grief you guys in Oz will be giving women the vote next, hahaha. One of the problems of voting someone like Trump into power is the guy is clueless when it comes to politics, clueless in dealing with people who are equal or superior to him, ( like there is anyone) lol, ,clueless in what to do about anything with regards to running the country ,you pray to God he is NOT going to be surrounded by YES MEN, or were really in trouble.
Problem with Trump is he says what the people want to here, people are fed up with illegal immigration being out of control, people are fed up with the rising crime rate in the big city's like Chicago, but anyone can come on here and say if I owned GFC I would do this and do that , OK then buy the Gills and do it ,........of course that ends the conversation.
I don't know how long Trump will be able to stay in power, he says all the right things, but if you think more than 0 .00001% of the American public give two hoots what Trump said to the Australian Prime Minister, haha, hell most of them think Australia is some where between France and Russia .
The thing that worries me about Trump is that he seems to think OK if you Mexico,China, Japan,Korea, or who ever don't do what I say I will stop your products coming to the USA , er Mr. Trump aren't they going to do the same to our products going there ?
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