The Hidden Hungry on TV

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The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Elgrande » Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:59 pm

A single Mum who chose to have another child so had to pack up work, a family with 5 children where the husband gave up work to study and the Mum doesn't work, but drives a Chrysler Voyager. They choose to rely on the state, but this programme seems to amke it sound like it is the states fault! A 21 year old in full time education by choice, but without a student loan but does voluntary work rather than get a job. Surely it is about priorities.
I know some peole deserve help, but too many seem to think that the system owes them something.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Poshgill » Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:27 am

Skewed reporting. It would be nice to see the many honest hard working people that are on benefits living hand to mouth that have found themselves on benefits through no fault of their own. The recent propaganda aimed at those that are perceived to be living the life of riley while on benefits really does make me mad. Yes we all know and can quote anecdotes about people we know that live well on benefit, but the sad truth is, these people are in minority.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Elgrande » Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:57 pm

It wassn't skewed at all, it was sympathetic to all of these people, never did they once question why these people had got themselves in the position they had.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Robpthegills » Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:35 pm

Sorry posh recent propaganda against the dear hard working poor. Who is doing that then.

The BBC are so left wing its a joke.

I actually thought the manhunt against Jimmy Carr and Bradley Wiggins was more of a propaganda, as at the end of the day what they were doing was not ethical but it was not illegal. If the govt doesnt like it then stop it but to name and shame people for acting legally is a joke.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Elgrande » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:02 am

Trouble is Posh too many people don't cut their cloth to fit their circumstances. I have first hand experience of losing my job etc and being on benefits and I cut back on everything; no Sky, downsized car, social life once every 4 months max, cut mobile deal and cooked on a budget. A lot of these people want the same standards as those working or in good jobs that have worked hard to get there. One man had been in a senior management job for many years, lost his job and within 6 weeks was supposedly financially wiped out. No credit line? No back up? or living beyond his means?
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Poshgill » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:08 am

You are making a lot of assumptions that all people are the same. I would suspect that many would be as fiscally prudent as yourself. In fact my brother did just that when he was unfortunately laid off. Of course there are people that cannot adapt and that is also true of people with good incomes. The senior manager that you talk about is not uncommon. For some, getting made redundant is like a bereavement, especially if they are in middle age and have had a secure job all of their working lives. Like bereavement, different people react in different ways. This man was obviously in denial, or he believed the urban myth that people on the dole earn as much as those in gainful employment.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby bananaman » Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:01 pm

i watched that programme as well thought it clearly set out to paint the impression you picked up on.the 21yr old couldnt get a job so chose to do voluntary work rather then do nothing,thats a very effective way of getting into work.She had been in care and should have been getting giudance and support but wasnt.she wasnt entitled to most benefits because of her age.I thought she was admirable.
The senior manager was a con artist debt running van driver.
Having contact through my work wioth many people who are referred to food banks they could easily have found many genuine cases of hardship to focus on.They chose not to.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Elgrande » Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:43 pm

Couldn't get a job? Or couldn't get the job she wanted. Macdonalds, Burger King, Costa Coffee etc are all hiring. Better a job than no money.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby bananaman » Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:57 pm

you having a larf elg my two sons have both had very tuff times getting jobs both have plenty of qualifications and are very employable.for every low level job like you described they get hundreds applying.usually you get a job through knowing someone.took my eldest nearly a year to get his first job that was part time.youngest ius at uni after doing alevels at college it took him 18/12 to get his first job.Both were actively trying very hard all the time and they had support of someone who understands recruitment process's and constantly tweeked cv's and sent them out on foot to all sorts of areas of work banging on doors.Gone are the days you can easily walk into a job if you "really" want one. For the young no experience means no job by doing voluntary work they egt soemthing tangible to put on there cv and to demonstarte motivation and experiance.out of there groups of freinds the story has been the same some have not had support and are still looking. yes some give up some are lazy but the majority are not.
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Re: The Hidden Hungry on TV

Postby Elgrande » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:38 pm

Well my mates sone is unqualified, but got a job at Citylink by temping there first and i know loads of kids that have got starts with the Golden Arches. Many won't do these jobs because they find it demeaning, but a shift supervisor can be on over 20k if they work at it. I know its tough out there, but too many find an excuse. They won't do spud picking, fruit picking or envelope stuffing. Let me check how many jobs for the unskilled are available in one area and i will get back to you.
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