A new King?!

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Re: A new King?!

Postby Garawa » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:21 pm

I do worry when people don't vote. People in some countries are desperate to be heard through suffering oppression by not being given a vote or it being manipulated and we have full freedom and don't use it.

That said, seeing how some imbeciles seem incapable of seeing how simple actions cause many people distress I worry that these people are being given votes and being asked to pick our governments!
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Poshgill » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:41 pm

Totally agree Gary. People died so that we could vote. Failing to vote then denies anyone the right to have an opinion on anything. Politics touches us all. In Australia, it is law that everyone votes. Apathy to politics is the single biggest problem in this country and the electorate gets the govt they deserve. (Mind you, if Mark voted Tory previously, I'm not TOO upset he hasn't voted again! :lol: )

As to tourists in London, well quite frankly I think you are wrong. Again I will use France as an example. More people visit the Palace of Versaille than Buckingham Palace and they have had no monarchy for 300 years. As for castles, Tower of London gets less visitors than Edinburgh Castle and the most visited castle in Europe is Neuschwanstein in Germany.

Its a pretty pointless debate as swe will continue to have a monarchy and we will continue to have visitors, but I still maintain that the most visitors come to this country to see the buildings and architecture and history, not to see the royals.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Rimshot » Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:24 pm

That can't be right Posh, look at all those visitors wandering around the pyramids desperate to see the Pharaoh.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Elgrande » Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:03 pm

Flippant and purile and the numbers are vastly different.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Elgrande » Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:40 pm

Then again all the Royal haters will no doubt be hoping that Mother and Child die during child birth. No doubt that will give them an excuse for a party as they didn't celebrate or take any time off for the Jubilee!
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Poshgill » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:01 pm

Bit strong that. Not sure anyone has even intimated that they would like to see any royal harmed. De-throned perhaps, but not harmed.

Anyway, Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. It's funny how people become rather aggressive when some one has the temerity to mention they are republican. So what if people don't believe in the monarchy? It's the 21st century not the middle ages. You can't drag them off to the tower for treason.

And some of us couldn't take time off during the Jubilee as we were too busy making sure the country ran properly so we could get all those jingoistic flag-wavers to London so they could touch their forelock to the landed gentry and continue to be the serfs.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Snackboyslim » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:15 pm

The Royal family do far more good than harm and I'm very proud of them. My partner is Estonian and I know for a fact that when her many relatives come and visit, without exception they want to experience Buckingham Palace, take photos, buy gifts for their friends/families. That's all good for us.

I think they (royal family) bring a massive amount to our nation. Most foreign tourists find the whole history of our monarchy the facination when, 'Britania ruled the waves'. They are not necessarily visiting the royals for who they are now and the way we see them as a nation today, it's because of their/our history.


Posh, as far as France having more visitors mate, it's a vast country which is far more accessable to mainland Europe than we are as a tiny Island. That doesn't surprise me and I feel it has no relevance with the Royal family.

By the way, I vote Labour. ;-)
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Rimshot » Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:37 am

You've made our point for us Snackboy. They come to see the palace not the Queen. As for 'hating' the royals , actually I don't know them as intimately as ElG, so I can only venture my distant impressions. The Queen seems likes a decent old buffer, kind to dogs and horses , established a reputation for wisdom by not saying anything unless its been written down for her and delivers a speech with a magnificent absence of any detectable emotion. As for her offspring, a space-cadet, a playboy wastrel, a dimwit and a woman with about as much charm as a diddycoy's guard dog.

Needless to say I bow to the judgement of all those who meet them regularly down the off-licence.
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Kezz » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:18 pm

People say horrible things!
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Re: A new King?!

Postby Robpthegills » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:08 am

Thats my point.

If you dont want a royal family then fine, but why do they have to suffer personal insults.

As for the royal family they are no more dysfunctional than most in this country, and in fact a lot of them
have done far far more than most other families in this country.

Katie was as thin as a rake and suffered from morning sickness........yeah well done good reason to slaughter someone. THEY don't make the press throw the story down our throats every second the PRESS does that. Yes kerry katona might have done but the royals didnt.
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