Cross Border Pan-Great Britain Cups Funded By Saudi Arabia

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Cross Border Pan-Great Britain Cups Funded By Saudi Arabia

Postby JoeyVimsante » Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:21 pm

How about Saudi Arabia fund a cross border club trophy with teams from Saudi Arabia, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Wales, Poland, Ireland, North America, Africa and other European nations? Saudi Arabia has wealth, but Scotland and England has intense passionate supporters. Clubs like Glasgow Celtic, Aberdeen, Glasgow Rangers, Kilmarbock, Heart of Midlothian, Hibernian, Dundee, and Dundee United could bring passionate games and lore to Saudi soccer.

How about cross border cups for Scottish football. I say a good way for Scottish football to improve is to have cross border trophies on top of domestic and European football.

There are an entire host of ideas that could happen. Bring back the old Anglo-Scottish Cup.

Change the Scottish Premiership to a 16 team 30 game league. Then have extra cross border cups.

Ideas could include a North Atlantic League Cup. With the top five to 8 SPFL clubs playing a group stage trophy with teams from Europe, Asia, or Africa, or North America, or Saudi Arabia.

The Scottish allow Welsh and Northern Ireland club sides in the Scottish Challenge Cup. So UEFA would be OK.

The Scottish and Welsh Rugby clubs travel to places like South Africa, and Italy. And UEFA soccer has seen Scottish sides travel to Central Asia. So football clubs could travel 5 or 8 times a year to the USA, or Africa.

In UEFA trophies Scottish, Irish, and Welsh sides have been to Central Asia.

Other ideas could include having all Scottish Premiership sides not in Europe, plus selected Welsh Cymru Premier club sides, and perhaps North West French sides in the Football League Trophy. There could easily be 16 teams added to the EFL Trophy with a little reorganisation of the trophy to add the new would be fun.

Perhaps all Scots Championsip sides, Welsh Cymru Premier sides, and some Dutch, North Western French sides in the non-league FA Trophy. I would love Celtic sides to be invited I to the FA Trophy.

Or a Celtic Nations Club Cup of Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Ulster, Cornish, Brittany, Isle of Man, Cumbria, and Yorkshire club sides.

Perhaps leading Scottish, Irish, French, Dutch, Belgian or German sides invited as guests into the Engliah FA Cup, or English League Cup.

I do not support merging the British leagues, as people would wrongly think Scotland was part of England. And all the Scottish trophies in history would be relegated to the status of lower tier trophies. While all the English trophies would be seen as forerunners of the British trophies. So Scottish clubs would be seen to be reset as having won ZERO trophies. Also 20 trips into England a year might be too much but 5 to 8 times a year would keep it a novelty and highlight of the season.

We need Pan-Great Britain Cups on top of domestic and European football.

If we had a British League a club like Dundee could make 20 trips year of up to 700 miles. That would be too tough. It has to be at a manageable number
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Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:02 pm

Re: Cross Border Pan-Great Britain Cups Funded By Saudi Arab

Postby lidbid46 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:20 am

Can I ask what your interest in Gillingham fc; that’s a second division club in Kent, England, that the rest of us who post happen to love. I’m just curious, as your posts so far seem to be more fitting for a different forum?
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