World Cup

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World Cup

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:12 am

Here in the US soccer is really gaining popularity ,especially now many parents are not letting their kids play American Football due to head injuries ,( although there is a group screaming at the top of their voices that heading a soccer ball does as much damage as being smashed in the head by what is basically a crash helmet to crash helmet collision) but suddenly everyone was abuzz yesterday when the US was drawn against England in the World Cup, the game to be played between 2pm, in the east and 11 am in the west. You would think that would be perfect for the US because many people have that Friday off because it is the day after Thanksgiving ,which along with the 4th of July is the biggest holiday in the US.
BIG PROBLEM, it is also BLACK FRIDAY, the day that every wife in the country wants to drag her husband around every store in the mall buying Christmas Presents , because all the stores have the equivalent as the January Sales in the UK ,biggest shopping day of the whole year. We went for dinner last night,as soon as we walked in the restaurant bar the cry went up " HEY ENGLISH the US drew you guys in the World Cup" and everyone was laughing because Mike's wife said you can forget watching that your going shopping and I spent the next ten minutes explaining to friends about how she sounded like Nora Batty from Last of the Summer Wine.
Does anyone have any idea what color shirts England will be wearing for the W/C this November ?
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Re: World Cup

Postby CadburyMan » Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:04 pm

I only wished I understood how the draw actually worked last night - it was puzzling to say the least
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Re: World Cup

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:50 pm

First of all we're having a World Cup in Qatar because enough people had their pockets filled with cash to put it in a country where the average gate at a league game is half or less than what the Gills get. Why don't people go, really quite simple,they did a survey and the answer was simple , no one (not even the locals ) want to sit outside in the stadium in the heat and humidity, which will still be there when the World Cup starts,it doesn't really disappear until well into December or January. Plus they don't give too sh**s about soccer, bring on the Camel Races.
Michael Platini said the 98 W/C draw was fixed, and that was in the good old days ,many many years ago before computers and technology are what they are today. Who even knows if the draw took place when it did ,it might have happened hours before. Have you been to the movies lately, seems there is nothing real on there anymore, I don't believe that anyone can jump from a 20 story building and survive,or roll a car 20 times and drive on, but they do in the movies.
We still have people here in the US that study the moon landings and are convinced they never happen,they spend hours and hours studying every frame millimeter by millimeter, so fixing the world cup with eight teams already drawn as powerhouses would be a sinch.
Which reminds me, I HATE that damn car advert where this guy sits in someone's kitchen with his fake black hair and fake black dyed beard and says , something like "You needed to get " snipped " did you dave, so you didn't have more kids,while he is buying a new car from a company called I think Cinch or Grinch ? I hate that damn ad.
I will be quiet amazed if a European team wins the 2022 W/C, I think my money will be going on a South American country,who by the time the event starts would have just
about be coming to the end of there season and there be a lot more climatised than the Europeans.
I seem to remember another situation England had back in 2014, playing a game up the Orinoco in a city that was in the middle of the bloody jungle, I fear this will be about the same conditions . When I worked in the Emirates I went there a few times , it was hot and muggy at any time of the year,take a brolly it does rain, as many as five or six times a year, lol.
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