by gillsfan1066 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:37 pm
I know who it is and his first name was Tim or Jon or something short and his last name was Hark, or Harkson , I think Hark or Harks and it always reminds me of that song/tune by someone and his ZIG ZAG FLUTES . He was a commentator for ESPN for ages especially for International games . I think he was a center half ,I seem to remember he first played for Forest or maybe Derby? but it didn't last more than a season . He played a load of times for the US National team, and I am pretty sure he was at another English Club but I don't know which ?
He is in the US Football Hall of Fame, and manages a team in the minor leagues somewhere ,I might have his name spelt wrong but I know I am close, hahahaha.