by gillsfan1066 » Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:18 pm
Yeah, yeah ,yeah , she was dodging in and out of the raging surge of toilet roll grabbers , managing this all on her own , nothing to do with the four 6ft 6in 225 lbs Security Staff her Father travels with , all holding the rope around the bog roll shelves while little Jilly ran around bunging rolls of toilet paper at pensioners heads , and shouting vote vote, vote for my Daddy at the next election. What a coincidence it was that the TV cameras were there, newspaper guys and the Yahoo team from the interweb.
What the hell do you mean that this 24 hour Stay In Place, do not leave the house, do not meet in groups of more than 10 (why not 9 or 11,I don't know), don't drive, don't do ANYTHING is beginning to effect me, IT'S NOT, I SAID IT'S NOT, tell those damn birds and squirrels to get out of my garden .
Luckily I will be at work tomorrow, we are what are considered Essential, wwwooowww hhoooo , you can't say that can you Auzzie old pal, you will have to sit in doors regaling the wife with Tales of life on the Chain Gang, wwwhhhoooo hhhooo how lucky is she going to be ??
I guess she will get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist and time served when she attacks you after hearing about the piece of road you repaired between Norseman and Dundas on the 1 for the 47th time, haha don't worry I am sure when you get out of hospital she will take you back.
Well everyone have a great next couple of weeks, er four weeks, um well 2 months of lock down, try to have fun, and MR G , just one word to you my dear little rabbit....DUREX, nod nod ,wink wink.