Greatest of all Times

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Greatest of all Times

Postby gillsfan1066 » Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:01 pm

With the introduction of VAR it's time that the record's book were closed on the Greatest Goal Scorers of all Time, and a New Book should be opened for today's players..
It's obvious that probably at a guess 20 % of Peles, Mullers, Ronaldo , Jimmy Greaves, Messi, Suares, Ibrahimovic's, Hursts Peters etc, etc, goals would today have been called offside for the hand being over the line, a shirt flap crossing the line, their head crossing the line, and looking at the number of goals that are taken away for handballs that the refs miss ,I guarantee the clever ones like Best, Rooney, Shearer, touched that ball with their hands as much as any if not more than any player does today and got away with it .
Lot's the penalties these guys scored would not have been called as penalties, but dives , so take those off the their total, and half of the defenders like Nobby Stiles Hunter etc would have lasted all of 30 minutes before being sent to the showers for fouls the refs missed.
While were here lets get real, not all of Truman's, Holdings, Lillee and Thompsons and the other greats outs would have been called out today ,after a review, how many times do you watch after the video review and the bowlers heel is over the line, a lot if you have been watching as much cricket as I have this winter.
AS for LBW's the Umps seem to get those calls wrong more times than the weather guys gets the weather wrong on TV, it seems 25% or more go for an Umps review and the decision is reversed.
Time to close the books on all the great records of the past, start afresh this year, now that VAR has ruined sport How a bunch of overpaid grown men who run football can not understand that OFFSIDE in a football match should only be called OFFSIDE if the players FEET are OFFSIDE, not his shirt tails or his ear, I will never understand.
As for handball, no don't get me started on any ball that hits a player's hand is handball, even if he is facing away from the player who kicked it from 20 yards away and
it bounced off another player so he never even saw it coming, but a penalty is called or a goal is disallowed, yet an attacker can stand in the 18 yard box, obviously interfering with the keep who has to keep an eye on him, but because he didn't touch the ball the goal is given.
My final " wine " of the day , what the hell was wrong with the way we kicked off for a hundred plus years, how has this change improved the game , talk about change for the sake of change.
I just give up, and I was a strong proponent of instant replay , just not now that the genius experts have ruined the wonderful games I grew up playing and watching.
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby Mooke » Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:19 pm


Get rid of VAR.

VAR just takes away our right to argue the hell over a decision ad infinitum afterwards.

Who wants accuracy? I just want at time to argue the toss ….
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby Garawa » Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:55 pm

And I agree, VAR is destroying football. I thought it would. I'd rather a controversial goal was scored than a perfectly good one ruled out because the attacker's chest hair was 1mm longer than the defenders. Perhaps players shorts should have large protrusions poking out of them to assist with being onside.
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sat Jan 25, 2020 8:25 pm

Protrusions, LARGE ONES AT THAT, no wonder you have so many children,talking like that. DOWN Mrs G down, no dear I didn't mean like that, jjjeeezzzzz, these people.
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby CadburyMan » Sat Jan 25, 2020 10:06 pm

Disagree Gary - would sooner disallow a good goal than give a bad one. This was a view given to me by a former league referee which I think has a sound and indisputable logic
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby gillsfan1066 » Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:34 am

Simple stupid is the way to go,it's FOOTBALL ,not elbow ball, not shirt collar ball, if a foot is over the line then it is offside,if an elbow is over the line but a foot isn't then it's not, what the hell could be simpler than that. Oh I forgot " THE EXPERTS" were the ones that made the rules, one hell of a good reason to run when anyone is introduced as an expert.
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby bunburygills » Mon Jan 27, 2020 9:57 am

Seems strange that VAR was such a success in the world cup yet has caused such vitriol everywhere else. I would like offside to be judged by the feet, not by other various parts of the body, with the proviso that it must be obvious within 5 seconds of viewing the tape. If it's not obvious by then, then the forward gets the advantage. Handballs in the area are the big problem. There has to be more discussion on what is really a handball. Even the commentators on TV can't decide after watching 20 repeats from 20 different angles. I wouldn't mind leaving that one with the ref in real time.
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby Mooke » Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:48 pm

I think one of the problems VAR has suffered is that it has been applied to football (badly) when it was applied to Rugby so well.

I do now watch a lot of Rugby as H's dad is, or was (dunno if he still is), quite Senior in Somerset's RFU and attends vitually all 6 nations England games.

Rugby while it can flow, has opportunities for the game to stop naturally, at which point, you can refer to the video. Football does not do that in the same way, it is a much faster moving game.

also the approach on the clock better suits Rugby. If there is a stoppage, Rugby stop the clock while they have their chat, and restart it when play restarts. There is no time added on.

In football, this just leads to wastage, and the referee adding more on so that we play "in the opinion of referee" the right amount of stoppage time.

This I think puts an undue pressure for a quick decision on the VAR. If the clock stopped (wow, nearly typed that wrong! :-) ), then you could watch an incident over and over until you got it right.

But as I say, it suits Rugby well as it has the stop / start ebb and flow for. |Football does not.

Football also has argumentative fans who like debate. Which is why we are here ……QED.
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby Mooke » Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:56 pm

I will add a slight correction. I'm not sure I meant that VAR has been applied to fooball "badly", just it's application has not been as successful as may have been hooed for.
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Re: Greatest of all Times

Postby Mooke » Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:10 pm

if we had VAR in 1966, God help us ….

"some people are on the pitch, they think it's all over …. it is over to VAR!!" …..

Doesn't work.
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