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Alfie Potter ?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:51 pm
by gillsfan1066
Fleetwood , York, Exeter, everyone does their part and we get beaten by a guy called ALFIE POTTER ? Alfie *ing Potter, who the hell called their kid Alfie Potter in 1989, 1889 OK, but 1989, no wonder the kids got a chip on his shoulder, parents should be 'orsewhipped.
Someone, anyone, can you tell me what went wrong today,( and befor anyone says it, yes I know they scored one more goal than us which is why we lost) surely if we are going to be a serious force next year in Division One we have got to be able to win home games against the likes of Oxford?
Dam,Dam, Dam, this makes me want to spit, oops sorry boss didn't see you there.